PSSM & Patriji
The Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) has been founded by Brahmarshi Patriji in the Year 1990 with the objective of spreading the basics of Spiritual Realities and Spiritual Science to one and all.
PSSM began as “The Kurnool Spiritual Society” in the Year 1990. Today, PSSM comprises of more than a couple of thousands of independent and autonomous Pyramid Spiritual Societies involving millions of active members and volunteers across all states in India, and, in twenty other countries, e.g., USA, UK, UAE, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Egypt, South Africa and others.
PSSM is a non-religious, non-cult, non-profit Spirituo Scientific Organization / movement with an ever-growing expanse of spiritual seekers.
The CORE MESSAGE to everyone is that “We are not just physical entities experiencing random existence. Instead, We are eternal ‘Energy-Consciousness-Wisdom ( ECW ) entities’, constantly choosing and creating our own respective on-going existential realities.”
We realize God-hood within us through four simple things :
▲ Use Breath for practicing Meditation
▲ Utilize Pyramid Energy for Meditation
▲ Understand the Essential Teachings of all the world’s Spiritual Masters
▲ Be a Vegetarian and be compassionate towards all members of the animal Kingdom

Brahmarshi Patriji Founder, Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) realized the power of MEDITATION through his own profound experiences and attained Enlightenment in the Year 1979. Patriji was a multi-dimensional personality and a charismatic leader of a vast multitude.
▲ Patriji was an example of how human life can be lived to the fullest with zest and compassion towards one and all.
▲ Patriji used to teach and guide every single person, with the same level of enthusiasm and friendliness as he did to thousands of spiritual seekers.
▲ Patriji could identify the best way that any person can serve society while giving him / her total freedom to perform, and encouraged them continuously to do their best.
While Patriji was acquainting the mysteries of MEDITATION and SPIRITUALITY, he had an endearing fun-loving side too! Apart from being a spiritual master, Patriji was a fluent orator, a voracious book reader, a friend to everyone from any backdrop and an impressive author of Spiritual Wisdom.
Patriji was also an accomplished flute player and an engaging singer, an able administrator, a great networker, an ardent cricket lover and a good cook too!
Patriji called his approach as that of a “SPIRITUAL SCIENTIST” .. which means involving in direct soul-level experimentation.